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ϴ ڵ ϳԲ ̴ ϴ ڸ ϳκ ϳ ˰. Dear friends, Let us love one another, for love comes from god. Everyone who loves has been born of god and knows god. (John 4:7)

ۼ : 15-06-05 15:50
< MERS..... Ȯ ˷帮ڽϴ.>
 ۾ : ְ
ȸ : 5,528  


< MERS..... Ȯ ˷帮ڽϴ.>
׸ ùٸ ó?.

⿡ ռ..... ޸ η ʿ䰡 ϴ. Ϲ ⸦ ϵ ϽŴٸ, ƹ ϴ. Ÿ ִ ߸ Ȳó Դϴ.
޸̷μ ڷγ̷ ̹ Ƿ ġҼ ִ ̷ ȯ̸, ٴ , ũ ٸ ٰ ٰ 帮ͽϴ. ں̸ ϴ ū ȭ Դϴ.

1. ޸?
޸(MERS-CoV) betacoronavirusԴϴ. RNA̷Դϴ.
Ϲ ڷγ̷ پ Ű, 4 µ, Ű ڷγ̷(HCoVs) ϴ.


2012 6 MERS ߺ.
2014 5 536 Ǿ, 145(27%) Ͽϴ.
̽ ƶƹݵ Ǵ α 6(丣,Ʈ,,īŸ,ƶ,UAE) ־, ȯ̽ ,Ż,Ƣ,,, Ǿϴ. ĵ Ǿ, ȸ Ĵ ϴ.

Ű ڷγ̷ εθ Ų ̷ ŵϴ.

޸ ֱٿ ߰ߵǾ Ȯ ˼ , 罺 ģٰ ϴ. 罺(SARS) ȣ⵵ Ű, Ű, ̷ ,Һ,뺯( 2) ߰ߵ˴ϴ. ̷ 2-3ֵ ȣ⵵ ϰ, ȯ Ų 10 ְ ̸ϴ.

2. ޸ .
ڷγ ̷ ̸ ϱ Ȯ ʽϴ.
ٰؼ ġᰡ ȵȴٴ ظ ִµ, ̷ شȭ ˴ϴ. 츮 ΰ ˰ִ ϴ ŵ ġ ƴϸ, Դϴ. ٽø ȵȴٰ ؼ ġᰡ ȵȴٰ Ҽ ٴ Դϴ.

3. ׷ٸ ġᰡ Ǵ°?
. ׷ϴ. ġ ֽϴ.
̷ ȯ ̷ ̴ ̿ϴ ƴմϴ. ϸ, 츮 ˰ִ ̷ȯ ġϴ ƴմϴ.

̷ ȯ ̷ ݿ 鼭 Ÿ ġִ Դϴ. , ̷ ȯ ġ ̷ Ѵٱ⺸ٴ ȸϵ ְ, ü ̰ܳ ִ Դϴ.

޸ Ǹ ȣ (), ɺ ̻, ȭ ̻ ȣϴµ ġᰡ մϴ. , 鿪 ϰų ü ȯںе ̷ Ŀ ġü 鼭 ȸ Դϴ.

׷ ˰ ̷ ޸ Ÿ ƴϰ, ȯ Դϴ. , Ϲ 쵵 DZ ȯ ° , ġϴ ϰ Ǵ 찡 ֽϴ.

׷ ̷ ݹ ȯ ° ߿ Դϴ.

4. ޸ ġ?
޸ ġ ٰ ϴ ȯ ɺ ̻ ȣ ȯ ִ ȯ(ΰ ) ġ̱ ̰, θ ó찡 ߵ̾ Դϴ. Ǵ 鿩ٺ, ѱ ޸ ȯ ߻ ȯڵ ̾, ȯڵ ȣⰡ ȯ̰ų ȯ ־ ȯڵ̿ Դϴ. ٽ ϸ ޸̷ ȭŰ Ƽ谡 ϻ, ޸ ٰ̾ ϴ.

5. ׷ٸ ȯ Ϲ ̶... ޸ Ǿ ġḦ 2 ȿ ġ ֽϴ. ̱ ù ȯڰ ߻Ǿ, Ȯ 10 ġǾ ߽ϴ.
, ɸ ְ, ϰ, ġᰡ ȵȴٴ ƴմϴ.

6. ׷ٸ ұ?
Ϲ ڷγ ̷ ϴ. ڷγ ̷ ϴ. ٽ ϸ ⿡ ɸ ʱ ؼ ϴ ϸ ɸ ʽϴ. Ϲ (÷翣) ξ ϴ. ڷγ ̷ 迭 ߿ ִ ð ʱ Դϴ. ⿡ ɸ ʱ ؼ ϴ Ϲ Ѵٸ ü մϴ.

7.ŸC ޸濡 Ǵ°?
ֱ ޸̽ DZȸ ŸC ȫ ˰ ֽϴ.

̿ ѱġἾ ڹǷ ǰ 帰ٸ....

ڷγ̷ 鿪 ֱ ŸC ִ и, ȯ , ȯں ̿, ȯں ε 󸶳 ſ ũ ۿѴٰ Ҽ ֽϴ.


Ʒ ڷ ׵ ڷγ̷ ڷ , ŸC ڷγ̷ ȯ ״ɷ ٰ Ҽ ֽϴ.

, ҿ 4~6׷̻, 6~8׷̻ ϼ̰ų, Ǿ 뷮 ϼž ɰ̶ 帱 ֽϴ. ּ ڱü 10 ׷(g) и Ǵ иĸ ŸC Ͻ , ̷ ׼ ̶ ѱġἾ ǰԴϴ.

Ʒ ڷ ( ڷ߿ ϺԴϴ.)
ø ϰ ״ ø ǹ̰ Ǵ ϱ عٶϴ.

[ The effect of ascorbic acid on infection of chick-embryo ciliated tracheal organ cultures by coronavirus ] J. G. Atherton, C. C. Kratzing, Anne Fisher


Chick embryo tracheal organ cultures showed increased resistance to infection by a coronavirus after exposure to ascorbate, while chick respiratory epithelium and allantois-on-shell preparations showed no increase in resistance to infection by an influenza virus or a paramyxovirus.

[ Antiviral and Immunomodulatory Activities of Ascorbic Acid ]
Raxit J. Jariwalla, Steve Harakeh


Over the years, it has become well recognized that ascorbate can bolster the natural defense mechanisms of the host and provide protection not only against infectious disease, but also against cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases. The functions involved in ascorbates enhancement of host resistance to disease include its biosynthetic (hy-droxylating), antioxidant, and immunostimulatory activities. In addition, ascorbate exerts a direct antiviral action that may confer specific protection against viral disease. The vitamin has been found to inactivate a wide spectrum of viruses as well as suppress viral replication abd expression in infected cell. In this article we review the antiviral and immunotimulatory effects of ascorbate and their relevance to control of acute and chronic viral infections. Detailed discussion of thr biosynthetic activities of ascorbate has been presented in a review by England and Seifter (1986). The antinoxidant function of ascorbate has been reviewed recently by Bendich (1988)

̹ ޸ ̷ ȸ ų Ŀ Ϳ Ƿ 迵 Ʒó Ƿϰֽϴ. Ƹ Ƿ κ ѹα Ƿ ̿ ̶ մϴ.

ٸ ϴ. úó ̼ߴ Դϴ. ó 湮ϰ ȯڿ ؼ ݸؼ ġ ̱ó ƹ ذ ¿ϴٰ ̴ϴ. ʱ⿡ ϰ Ǵؼ ó .

ѱġἾ ǥǻ 帲.